A Little Kooky…


Okay, okay, I’ll admit it. I’ve been holding out. All these months of farm-grown, seasonal foods have been wonderful and delicious…but they wouldn’t have been complete without a little sweet thing at the end of a meal here and there.

Yes, this farmer has got a sweet tooth, and I’m ready to share a very simple recipe with you. A chocolate-y, chewy cookie, which only needs a bowl, a spoon, and an oven. Because some days, you just need a fresh out of the oven treat.

IMG_0671And I’ve got quite a few more where that came from. Other recipes coming up for your enjoyment (and of course, my tummy’s absolute delight): 5-minute truffles, fudge-y brownies, and creamy blondies.

What are you waiting for? Eat your vegetables, and treat yourself to a sweet thing afterwards!

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